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ISPV Results
Description of Items of the Sentence about Employments (MP)
Identification number of the economic operator (ID No.).
Definite and time-stable code (for the time of the survey in ISPV) of a natural person (employee) within the economic operator. This code is used for feedback between the economic operator and the processing organization.
Year of birth. Format yyyy (e.g. 1976).
Sex. Man - M, Woman - Z.
Citizenship according to CZSO classification of countries.
Highest education achieved by the employee according to the CZSO classification of education.
Type of disability pension. C - beneficiaries of disability pension due to disability of the first degree (persons with capacity to work reduced by at least 35% and no more than 49%) or beneficiaries of disability pension due to disability of the second degree (persons with capacity to work reduced by at least 50% but no more than 69%); P - beneficiaries of disability pension of the third degree (persons with capacity to work reduced by at least 70%); Z - employees who are not beneficiaries of disability pension.
Place of work. One shall state the location of the workplace within the concerned employee's employment as agreed in the employment contract pursuant to Section 34 (2) of the LC expressed by a code of the territorial unit.
Code of position in one's job in order to determine the type of industrial relationship between the employee (his employment) and the economic operator.
Job classification code used for statistical purposes until 2011.
Job classification code of the relevant employee's employment pursuant to CZSO classification (classification CZ-ISCO). The classification has been valid from 01/01/2011 and it is binding on all statistical surveys carried out pursuant to Section 19 (2) of Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on State Statistical Service, as amended. The five-digit code is assigned according to the predominantly performed employment. The classification CZ-ISCO replaces the item ZAMEST.
One shall fill in the value A in the event a managerial employee is concerned pursuant to Section 11 (4) of the LC, otherwise N shall be filled in.
The working hours account is another form of unequal distribution of working hours pursuant to Section 86 et seq. of the LC. Provided that the employee worked in the concerned employment under the regime of the working hours account for at least one day in the monitored period, one shall state A, otherwise N shall be stated.
Period of employment with the current economic operator (including employments in other branches of the same economic operator, possibly employments with the economic operator's predecessor). One shall state the period from the first day of work with the current employer; absence longer than one year (e.g. family leave, leave for execution of a public function) shall be deducted from the total period of employment.
Number of calendar days from the beginning of the year until the end of the monitored period when the employee in the concerned employment was included in the registered number of employees.
Last day of being included in the registered number. One should fill in a zero value if the employee in the concerned employment is included in the registered number on the last day of the monitored period and at the same time on the first day after the monitored period. Otherwise one should fill in the date of the last day as of which the employee was included in the registered number. The date is to be filled in in the format yyyymmdd, y - year, m - month, d - day (e.g. 20090218).
The determined fund is the planned hour fund of working hours for the working position of the employee in the concerned employment (in full-time employment). This is an accumulation of the weekly (daily) determined working hours for the monitored period.
The agreed fund is the planned hour fund of working hours of an employee in the concerned employment accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period. In the event that in the monitored period, the employee did not have part-time work (pursuant to Section 80 of the LC), the stated value will be identical with the one in item 16 FONDSTA.
Worked hours of an employee in the concerned employment (pursuant to Section 353 (2), (3) of the LC) accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period in hours, including overtime hours. Non-worked hours for public holidays on days that are otherwise work ones are not included even though the monthly wage is not reduced.
Number of overtime hours (pursuant to Section 78 (1) i/ of the LC) accumulated as of the start of the year until the end of the monitored period. These are overtime hours for which an extra pay has been provided (including overtime hours of managing employees worked pursuant to provisions of the employment contract - Section 114 (3) of the LC) as well as overtime hours for which compensatory time off may be provided in the future. Hours for which compensatory time off was provided in the monitored period are not included in the overtime hours. Hours of compensatory time off for overtime work in the previous year are included in the item PRESCAS as negative ones (the resulting value of PRESCAS may be negative).
Total number of non-worked hours accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period from the agreed hour fund of working hours in the concerned employee's employment. E.g.: holiday leave, public holidays on days that are otherwise work ones (including even non-worked hours when the monthly wage is not reduced), time of obstacles at work, time of incapacity to work, nursing a family member, unpaid time off, etc.
Number of non-worked hours with compensation or without reduction of wage accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period (from the item ABSCELK). One shall state non-worked hours with wage compensation due to holiday leave, public holidays on days that are otherwise work ones (including non-worked hours when the monthly wage is not reduced), important obstacles at work due to public interest (Sections 200, 203, 205 of the LC) and obstacles at work on the employer's side (Sections 207 - 210 of the LC). Hours non-worked due to temporary incapacity to work and nursing a family member are not included.
Number of taken hours of holiday leave accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored year (from the item ABSPLAC).
Number of hours from the working hours fund non-worked due to temporary incapacity to work (possibly quarantine) accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period (from the item ABSCELK). This item does not include nursing a family member.
Number of hours from the working hours fund non-worked due to temporary incapacity to work (possible quarantine) for which no sickness benefit is provided pursuant to the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 187/2006 Coll.). State the number of hours accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period (from the item ABSNEMOC).
Wage accounted for in individual months from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period. Wage pursuant to Section 109 (2) of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the LC, i.e. monetary performance and performances of monetary value (in-kind wage) provided by an employer to an employee for work unless specified otherwise in this act. Performances provided pursuant to special regulations in relation to the employment, in particular wage compensation, redundancy payment, travelling allowances, income from capital interests (shares) or bonds and remuneration for readiness to work are not considered as the wage. When applying the working hours account, state the achieved wage pursuant to Section 120 (2) b) of the LC.
Bonuses and remunerations accounted for, regularly monthly, with the wage accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period (from the item MZDA).
Bonuses and remunerations accounted for irregularly from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period (from the item MZDA). Irregular bonuses and remunerations include all payments to employees that are not regularly accounted for in the wage in the pay period (usually a calendar month). Irregular remunerations include e.g. 13th and 14th salary. Items which are not a wage are not included therein.
Extra payments for overtime work (from the item MZDA) pursuant to Section 114 of the LC accounted for in individual months from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period.
One shall state the sum of extra payments (from the item MZDA) accounted for in individual months from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period. The item includes extra payments for work on public holidays, extra payments for work in difficult and health damaging working environments, extra payments for a shift regime, extra payments for night work, extra payments for work on Saturdays and Sundays, special extra payments and other extra payments. The extra payment for overtime work is stated separately under the item PRIPPCAS.
Wage compensations accounted for in individual months from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period. These are compensations for the time specified under the item ABSPLAC. Therein one shall state e.g. compensations for holiday leave, public holidays, for provided time off in the case of obstacles at work on the employee's side, upon obstacles at work on the employer's side, upon obstacles at work due to public interest, etc. The item does not include wage compensation for temporary incapacity to work.
Wage compensations upon temporary incapacity to work (quarantine) paid by the employer accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period. Do not state amounts paid in excess of the legitimate claim.
Remunerations for work readiness pursuant to Section 140 of the LC accounted for and accumulated from the start of the year until the end of the monitored period.
Average earnings surveyed for purposes of employee's wage compensations in the concerned employment pursuant to Section 353 and Section 356 (1) of the LC. These are average hourly earnings calculated from wages for the last quarter of the monitored period and used for calculation of wage compensations in the subsequent quarter.